As you face your DUI, you will have questions. Will you go to jail? Can you keep your driver’s license? How much does a DUI cost in Maryland? That’s why we’ve assembled this in-depth guide. You’ll find everything you need to know to understand your DUI case below. Want an experienced criminal defense lawyer to help you? Talk to an our Glen Burnie DUI lawyer about your case today—for free.

Maryland DUI FAQ

You Can Keep Your Freedom—and Your Driver’s License

To say the least, it is upsetting to get stopped for a DUI. You were detained and treated like a normal criminal; as a result, you now risk losing your license, paying penalties, and even going to jail. There is no better law firm to turn to other than Zide Law Group if you're wondering what you may do to lessen some of the damages. You'll never have to wonder about the progress of your case thanks to our criminal defense attorney's dedication to personalized service. Throughout the process, we provide you with the tenacious defense representation and emotional support you require.

Because we know you have many questions, we offer you this short list of frequently asked questions and answers:

For answers to these and more questions on Maryland DUI law, schedule a consultation.


When facing serious DUI charges in Maryland, Robert A. Siegel, can help. We provide aggressive representation for all types of traffic violations, including misdemeanors and felonies. To schedule a consultation, call us at 410-760-9433 or contact our Glen Burnie office online.


What are some factors that result in aggravated DUI/DWI charges?

Aggravated or enhanced DUI/DWI charges result from a number of factors, including:

  • One or more prior DUI convictions
  • Having a minor in the car
  • Causing an accident that results in property damage, bodily injury or death

Aggravating factors allow for enhanced sentencing, which means longer jail time and stiffer fines. To fight such charges, you need the assistance of an experienced criminal defense lawyer.


What is the look-back period in Maryland for prior DUI convictions?

Maryland looks back five years to discover whether you have had a prior DUI conviction. If your last DUI conviction was more than five years ago, your present charge will count as a first, regardless of how many prior DUIs you’ve actually had.


How can I challenge forensic evidence for a DUI?

It all starts with the traffic stop. If an officer cannot prove that reasonable suspicion justified the stop, any evidence that proceeds from the stop is inadmissible. As far as the actual chemical test goes, there are numerous grounds for challenging the results based on authorities not adhering to standard protocols for collecting, processing and preserving evidence. Was the machine maintained properly? When was the machine last calibrated? Was the officer who performed the test properly trained and certified? Did the authorities maintain a property chain of custody for the physical evidence they collected? These are the types of questions that we answer to determine if there are grounds to exclude forensic evidence from trial.


If the court suspends my license for DUI, is it possible to get a restricted license?

It is sometimes possible to get a restricted license if you can demonstrate extreme hardship. A court may allow you to drive to work or to school to earn a living or continue your education. All other driving purposes would be prohibited. The court can also order you to install an ignition interlock device that prevents your car from operating if you have consumed alcohol.
